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High School Ib Program

If you’re considering enrolling your child in a high school IB program, you likely have questions about what it entails and how it can benefit them. According to the International Baccalaureate, the IB program is a prestigious curriculum offered at over 5,000 high schools worldwide. Here are some of the key questions parents have about the demanding yet rewarding IB high school program.

1. What Does the IB Curriculum Include?

The IB Diploma Programme is an intensive two-year curriculum taken in junior and senior year. It covers six core subject areas — English literature, world languages, history, science, math, and the arts. Students take specific courses within each subject to fulfill the requirements. The curriculum has a global focus, with courses like 20th-century world history and world literature. Students can also complete independent research and write an extended essay on a topic of interest. The Theory of Knowledge course explores critical thinking and inquiry. Creativity, Activity, and Service (CAS) encourages pursuits beyond academics. The rigorous curriculum keeps students engaged across disciplines.

2. What Benefits Does IB Offer for College Applications?

A high school IB program is highly regarded by colleges and can give your child an edge in admissions. The demanding curriculum shows students are capable of excelling at college-level work. High IB exam scores can also lead to college credit. Admissions officers know IB students possess exceptional critical thinking, research, time management, and subject mastery skills, which are all key indicators of college readiness. The independent research and CAS requirements help IB students stand out. Since students explore their own interests, their applications highlight unique passions. Overall, IB indicates an academically motivated, curious student ready for higher learning.

3. How Do Students Manage the Heavy Workload?

There’s no doubt the IB curriculum demands a lot from students. They’re held to college-level standards in analysis, writing, and comprehension. Time management is critical to staying on top of assignments and studying. Schools provide resources like guided study periods to help students stay organized. Peer study groups are also highly encouraged. Counselors can work with students who feel overwhelmed by the workload. With smart scheduling, strong time management skills, and support, most IB students adapt to the rigor.

A high school IB program allows driven students to develop a strong foundation across disciplines while pursuing their interests and preparation for college success. While certainly demanding, the skills and work ethic gained serve students extremely well. Call us today if you’re looking to enroll your child in Willows Preparatory School and our amazing IB program in the best private schools near redmond wa.

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